Installing Drupal 10 on MTBN.NET Shared Hosting

By mike, 13 March, 2023

Instaling Drupal 10 is a easy process.

In order to install Drupal 10 on MTBN.NET hosting you will need to follow the simple steps below.

Assuming you have purchased, activated the standard Simple plan hosting account and your domain name has resolved and is working as expected to display the default hosting page at index.xhtml you will be able to follow along with the rest of this article.

Drupal is a powerful CMS with many way to configure it for special use cases so this article will help you get the simple default site up and running.  There are some things you will need to do prior to starting this process to get your hosting options set up correctly.


  1. Create a email account for your domain name using the Hepsia web control panel. You will need to have a local email established for your domain in order for Drupal to be able to let user register on your site and get the account activations and password reset email. You will also need this to set up the SMTP module to allow Drupal to send email using your MTBN.NET hosting email servers.
  2. Create a database to support your Drupal CMS.
  3. Update your php version to the most current.
  4. Activate the SSH upgrade to your account.
  5. Verify composer is working in the terminal and request that it be installed if it is not available.

Follow these steps to set up your Drupal 10 site.


  1. Activate the SSH upgrade to the account.
  2. Click on the SSH link in the top of the Hapsia Web Control panel
    1. This will open up a virtual comand line terminal window so you can issue command line bash comands.
  3. Open up an additional browser tab and go to
  4. Click on the get Drupal 10 link on the home page.
  5. You will see the composer install command to use.
  6. Copy that into your other browser tab with the command line terminal opened.
  7. This command will download all the things needed for Drupal.
  8. After this is done you will need to create your database so Drupal will have access to it.
  9. Find the database tab in the menu and create your database and remember that your user name and db name are the same and your password is your account login password, be cause when you run the web install for druapl it will ask you for them.
  10. open up a 3rd browser tab and type in your web doiman name
    1. This should bring up your Drupal web install page.
  11. Fill in the required information and finish the install.
  12. You should now be able to login to your site using the login link at the top right of the welcome screen.
  13. Enjoy your new Drupal Site.


When you want to install new modules you will need to use the terminal window and run the composer install command from there.  You will also have access to drush if you install it as well.


If for some reason you get a composer not found error then simply create a support ticket with MTBN.NET and ask for it to be installed.


If you have any questions about Drupal then connect with the community, find a local Drupal user group and join, join the Druapl Slack channel.



